In response to the many replies made to The Conzett Origins Homepage, I have gathered what little information I have on the various clans of the Ohio, Michigan and undirectly related Dubuque Conzett clans, built trees and made them available here.

There is little doubt that these trees are incorrect and less than complete, but isn't that why this page is here? If you will send me corrections and whatever you may choose, I will integrate your data with what I have here. If you would like to take on the task of assembling complete data for your family or clan, please allow me to provide whatever assistance I can to make your research fruitful.

Please choose the link below to view the trees I have so far. And watch for daily growth as I receive more data!


Johann Luzius Conzett of Schiers, Switzerland and of Dubuque, Iowa


Andreas Conzett of Davos, Switzerland and of Dubuque, Iowa


James Earl Conzett of (Dutch?) Pennsylvania and Ohio


Frederick Conzett of Germany and Michigan



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If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail me at Thank you.